[ Course: Computer Graphics ] [ Contents: Course Info | Modules | Resources ]

Course Info
About the course


See the Computer Graphics: Virtual Environments Course Introduction presentation for an overview of this second part of the course.

Computer Graphics is a first year course for the master program in informatics, Østfold College. The course is a cooperation between Østfold College, Dept. for Information Technology and Institute for Energy Technology, Halden.

The goal of the course is that the students should:

  1. understand the basic principles of 3D computer graphics.
  2. acquire good knowledge of OpenGL as a programming API
  3. learn how to implement non-trivial graphical scenes efficiently using a scene graph API
  4. get experience with different kinds of interactive devices
  5. get first hand knowledge of R&D activities within Virtual Reality

The first half of the course will be given at Østfold College and will mainly cover points 1 to 3.

The second half of the course will be given at IFE and will mainly cover points 4 to 6.

More information is available via the links to the left and on the main course site at HiØ.

Lecturers at IFE:
Michael Louka, Tom-Robert Bryntesen and Thomas Winger.
michael.louka@hrp.no, tom-robert.bryntesen@hrp.no, thomas.winger@hrp.no

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