[ Course: Computer Graphics ] [ Contents: Course Info | Modules | Resources ]

Module Overview



Provide an overview of challenges of 3D user interface design and how to approach 3DUI R&D, focussing primarily on 3D interaction for virtual environments.



Lecture slides/notes.

Tutorial (8) - Hello Picking.

Mouse Picking.

Application States.

Camera documentation: 1, 2.

Recommended further reading:

  • VR Knowledgebase. A useful archive of papers on VR-related research, much of it regarding human perception and performance issues.
  • Doug Bowman's 3DUI.org site.There is some excellent course material available to download on this site from courses held at the ACM SIGGRAPH and SIGCHI conferences. This material goes into more detail than we can in a single lecture, and also presents some of the challenges related to 3D input and 3D user interfaces beyond virtual reality type applications.
  • If your masters thesis will involve any usability research in order to evaluate interactive software systems then you will not regret acquiring a copy of this book: Human-Computer Interaction: An Empirical Research Perspective by I. Scott MacKenzie


Start looking into the main course assignment. Some models that you can use can be extracted from this zip-file: models.zip

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